There is none worthy of worship except Allah and Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) is his Messenger.
Prayer Times
- SalatStartIqamah
- Fajr05:40 AM06:00 AM
- Zuhr12:46 PM01:30PM
- Asr03:58 PM04:30 PM
- Magrib06:27 PM06:37 PM
- Isha07:36 PM08:30 PM
- Jumah1:30 PM2:00 PM
Thursday, 13th February, 2025
Prayer Times
Upcoming Events
No Future Published Event Found

Muslim Society of Memphis
The basic purpose of the muslim Society is to serve the cause of Islam and help the Muslim community of the area to practice Islam as a way of life according to the Quran and the Sunnah of prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Toward this end, the Society shall:
- Organize and conduct religious, educational, social, and other Islamic activities
- Present Islam to other faiths for a better understanding of Islam and the Muslims
- Promote communication between the Muslims and non-Muslims
- Help strengthen fraternal bonds and develop solidarity and cohesiveness among Muslims
It is the belief that Muslims should pray five times each day.
The purpose of the fast is to practice self-restraint, piety, and generosity.
The Quran is considered the most important holy book among Muslims.
The Hajj is an obligation that should be completed at least once in all able Muslims lives.
Serving Humanity
Qur’an Memorization
Reading and memorizing the Quran helps you to understand the creations of Allah
Read MoreZakat & Sadaqat Funds
“Stabilizing families for a Healthy Community” by providing the following servic
Read MoreCemetary Project
First Muslim Cemetery in Mid-South on 27.5 acres of beautiful rolling land by I-
Read MoreMedical Clinic
Established in 2005 with the help of the Muslim Community in the mid-south in ge
Read MoreWe Need Your Help
People suffering from hunger amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore pariatur located in Syria, Iraq and Kenya.
Islamic Scholars
Muslim religious scholars study the Quran and other holy texts, conduct research on the history of Islam, publish research papers and books, teach students about Islam, and study current issues in Islam (such as Islamic finance, public policy, and the religion's relationship with the West).