Archives: Services

The Mothers’ Day Out program is run by Muslim Society of Memphis with professional and dedicated sisters as a way for parents to get some time off from their job as parents, while the kids get experience interacting with peers, playing with different...

Endowment Fund Long-term, futuristic investment project aimed at Islamic institutions and infrastructure development. Starting in 2005 this fund has grown close to a quarter-million dollar. Monthly automatic deductions from 70+ donors plus ...

Provide rehab facility dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis a...

Established in 2005 with the help of the Muslim Community in the mid-south in general and Muslim Healthcare professionals in particular. This clinic is located at the premises of Muslim Society of Memphis but was established as a completely separate ...

First Muslim Cemetery in Mid-South on 27.5 acres of beautiful rolling land by I-40E, complete with a durable Masjid, capable of accommodating the regional burial needs of Muslims for centuries. For information please call Masjid As-Salam at 901-685-8...

“Stabilizing families for a Healthy Community” by providing the following services: SENIORS Provide transportation Regular visitation  Assist in writing their will Provide monthly lunch and p...

Reading and memorizing the Quran helps you to understand the creations of Allah Almighty that exist around you. People who learn and memorize the Quran have a more sharp memory and can easily recover their knowledge.    ...